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Liverpool Assistant Coach Lijnders Talks About Leaving the Club and Future Plans

  • 2024-02-02 05:49:39|
  • 作者:网站小编|
  • 来源:9球直播

Liverpool Assistant Coach Pep Lijnders recently sat down for an interview with the club's official website to discuss his decision to leave the club after the season and his plans for the future. Lijnders emphasized the importance of doing the right thing and how the support from the club's ownership and the signing of key players contributed to his decision.

Leaving a club like Liverpool is never an easy decision, but Lijnders believed it was the right time to pursue new challenges. He expressed his gratitude towards the club, stating that he owed them everything for the past 10 years he had spent there. Lijnders also mentioned that his decision to leave was predominantly driven by his desire to become a head coach and end his journey with Klopp, whom he considers a friend and a brother.

Lijnders expressed his pride in being part of Liverpool's history and the success they have achieved over the years. He highlighted the club's dedication to nurturing and developing talented players, creating a special bond between the fans, coaches, and players. Lijnders also mentioned the importance of the fans in driving the team's performances and how their passion has made the club so special.

Despite his impending departure, Lijnders stressed the team's commitment to finishing the season strongly. He commended the players for their professionalism and stated that they would continue to give their all on and off the training ground. Lijnders believed that the team's high intensity and determined mindset would make them a formidable opponent in every match they play.

Discussing his future plans, Lijnders expressed his excitement about becoming a head coach. While he acknowledged that it was still too early to make any definitive decisions, he mentioned that he would sit down with his agent in the coming months to evaluate his options and choose the right club. Lijnders also mentioned his hope to reunite with Liverpool in the future, emphasizing the special bond he has formed with the club.

Reflecting on the trophies won during his time at Liverpool, Lijnders struggled to put his feelings into words. He cherished the special moments on the field and emphasized the importance of football in creating unforgettable memories for the fans. Lijnders believed that the essence of football lies in providing fans with extraordinary matches and making them forget about everything else, and he feels Liverpool has accomplished just that.

